Our approach to environmental sustainability

We are taking practical steps to reduce our impact through our entire business. Reducing carbon emissions is a business imperative.

Recent global weather events have clearly demonstrated the significant impact that the climate is having on our communities, and the sustainability of businesses.

Carbon neutral in Australia

Jumbo’s Australian operations have a net zero carbon footprint, which we have achieved through carbon offsets with Climate Active Australia. We are actively working towards reducing our emissions, with a focus on our Australian operations, with plans to expand to our international subsidiaries in the coming years.

Ongoing emissions reductions

Jumbo is aiming to reduce our emissions whereby: scope 1 and 2 emissions are eliminated, incremental reductions are targeted across scope 3, and remaining carbon emissions are offset through the purchase of qualified carbon credits.  

We are aiming to reduce emissions by:

  • Counting carbon emissions and verifying this carbon inventory through external assurance
  • Transitioning to renewable source energy
  • Achieving a targeted reduction in our direct consumption of resources.

Beyond carbon neutral

We take our commitment to sustainability seriously.

  • FY26
    Goal: Carbon neutral globally through offset purchase*
  • FY25
    Goal: Global carbon baseline determined
  • FY23
    Carbon neutral achieved in Australia through offset purchase
    Climate Active certification in Australia
    Australian carbon baseline determined for FY22
  • FY22
    Australian carbon baseline determined for FY19

*For completed international subsidiaries.