Our commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging (DEIB)
Jumbo is committed to providing all employees with a respectful, diverse and inclusive workplace. We treat people fairly and provide equal opportunities.

We aspire to make diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging part of our everyday. If we get this right, it will shape our business with the best of ideas, empower our people, and positively impact our players.
on equal pay for equal work.
to HESTA’s 40:40 Vision.
our culture through training and awareness.
our approach to a safer workplace.

What DEIB means at Jumbo
At Jumbo, we want our organisation to reflect our society and the people we serve. Our people are welcomed and included as valuable members of our team, and through this we establish a rich and thriving community. To get there, we have applied a diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging (DEIB) lens to all aspects of our business.
How we achieve DEIB
We start with recruitment processes and policies to ensure a diverse range of candidates are encouraged to apply. We measure our gender pay equity gap and have goals to close it. Our compensation and benefits, professional development, and training, promotions and social and recreational programs contribute to a workplace culture built on the premise of inclusivity.

Our DEIB pillars

We are transparent about our DEIB agenda, regularly communicate progress, and are accountable for delivering on our commitments.

We offer equitable opportunities to all team members, taking into account individual needs and differences across our regions and across marginalised groups and identities.

We strive to develop our understanding, appreciation and knowledge of the experiences, perspectives, and cultures of our different groups of people.

We foster an inclusive and psychologically safe work environment where we have courage to use our voices and feel that we truly belong. We focus on nurturing connections within our communities.